Hannah from Dead Organised

About Hannah Seward-Thompson

Before I Go Solutions Accredited End of Life Plan Facilitator with many years’ experience in organisation, support and guidance.

From an early age I wanted to work in an office.  As soon as I could, I left education, went to secretarial college for a year and started working in administration.  I’ve not looked back.  I still love organising, putting processes in place and ensuring those I’m working with have all they need, before they know they need it.

However, Covid 19 changed the direction of my career path.  During furlough I tackled my long-term to do list – the one we all have, but never actually get around to doing.  Among other tasks there was ‘write will’ and ‘organise funeral’.  I soon realised that there was a lot more to End of Life Planning than the obvious financial, legal and funeral side of things.  I then found out that I could get help to complete a full End of Life Plan and, not only that, but I could also train to become a Facilitator of the process.  SOLD!

Looking back, I realise that throughout my life many small things have steered me towards this work, but of them are two main ones in particular:

  • Having worked in various industries during my career, by far the most fulfilling roles have come when I’ve been part of something that I feel personally connected to and/or gives back to society. End of life planning, for me, does both of those things.
  • I watched my mother spend over a year living in my grandmother’s house, working with my aunt to sort through all that had been left behind. Seven years on and they still have work left to do.  I swore that I was not going to put anyone through that and can now work to help other people avoid it too.

My End of Life Plan is now complete and I feel so much lighter knowing that there is no stress for those I leave behind.  Added to that, I can help other people through the process of completing their plans.  What a privilege.

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